Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This may come as a big surprise to anyone who knows me but - I am a millionaire! Yes - a millionaire!
I just did the math and a few simple calculations prove beyond a doubt that I have indeed passed the million dollar mark quite some time ago.

Of course, I haven’t got my million dollars all at one time and stacked up in a big pile. The way I see it, that would make me a miser, not a millionaire. I am more of a "moveable" millionaire if you will - the money just keeps passing through.

McDonalds claims to have served over 245 billion burgers but where are those burgers now? Gone - just like my million dollars. But don't get me wrong - I am not bitter. In fact the truth is I had a lot of fun with my million dollars and did a lot of good. It is true that I blew most of it on food and shelter, clothing, toys, furniture and cars. But I wasn't totally frivolous with my million dollars - I also gave a good portion of it away.

To institutions like the government, insurance companies, public utilities, banks and charities. This type of selfless investment kept me and my family warm and safe while keeping countless others employed along the way. So I guess that makes me a bit of a philanthropist too... who knew?

I am not finished being a millionaire either – it takes a long time and it is an ongoing process. The world needs more millionaires like me - we keep countries afloat and the wheels of industry turning by letting that money flow through our hands. With the economy in such trouble and the state of the world in general, maybe you better get your calculator out and see if you can help – you might be a millionaire too. Just like me.


Anonymous said...

guess I know a lot of millionaires out there now that I think about it...! who knew is right !! THIS column should definitely be published !

Judy said...

Definitely this should be published!!!! Who would ever have thought of this?? Well obviously you did Mac and thanks for sharing it in so well. We other millionaires are feeling a lot better about our financial situations right about now:)