Sunday, July 24, 2011


Fish and chips. Two words that go together so well that it's almost like they should be one word - "fishandchips". Are there any two words in the English language that go together as well?  How about pension and cheque? "Pensioncheque". That has a nice sound to it too but what is the connection? Read on...

Everyone loves fish and chips and if anyone says they don't I expect that to be a lie of sorts. Even the Beatles love fish and chips - if you don''t believe me, click here to see what I mean. And we don't eat them enough any more, now that we know they are so bad for our health, what with all the grease and vinegar and batter and salt. Is your mouth watering too?

I have had fish and chips many times and in many ways - homemade, takeout and eat in. Fredericton has had some famous fish and chip shops and I have eaten at them all. Frank's on the Exhibition grounds was my favorite followed by the Lucky Lunch. Ozzie's down by St. Andrew's serves world class fish and chips, and I have had them in Vancouver at a famous place called "The Only Seafood" where you stood patiently in a long line just to get served what may be the best fish and chips in the world. 

But one of the most memorable times I had fish and chips was when Mom came to our place at Kelly's Court and bought us all fish and chips from Deluxe French Fries. What is so memorable about that you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

Mom bought them for us with her very own money - her first old age pension cheque. It was probably the first money that was totally hers since she had been a shop girl back in Scotland. She was celebrating. Not only the money but the fact that she had just come from a check up with Dad at the hospital and he was getting better. His cancer was "in remission" - another two words that go together very well. So Mom was pulling out all the stops - it was fish and chips for all and she was paying.

My parents were not rich – far from it. That just made whatever they gave all the more special – one of life’s many ironies I think you will agree. And for Mom to just pull that cash out of her purse and order up a feast for us all to celebrate must have felt pretty good...  I know it sure tasted good.

So have your own celebration one of these days - celebrate whatever you like but I suggest you do it sooner than later. And do it with extra batter, lots of vinegar, tartar sauce and what the hell - pass that salt shaker!


Anonymous said...

I am having them tonight to celebrate Mum's birthday. I have a couple of favourite fishandchip treats with Mum. Once in Edinburgh Scotland sitting on a bus after the Tattoo eating them out of newspaper with 60 Scots laddies and lassies. The other is the little shop on the main street in St Stephen (gone now I think)run by an English couple. We always went there when I took Mum to work with me. Sandy

Judy said...

Great memories Mac and well written as usual! As a result of your writing, I have decided I am going to have fish and chips when I come to Fredericton in the fall!! I remember going for fish and chips with Mum and Dad somewhere out where they lived. We ate them at a picnic table outside the fish and chip place. Good memories - as good as the fish and chips!!