Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I have a confession to make. I am a counter - I count things. Call it a habit, a hobby or an affliction, but it's what I do. For example, ice cube trays have 14 ice compartments and a typical set of stairs has 17 steps including the bottom one. I know this because I have counted every set of stairs I have ever climbed.
I think this all started when I used to drive for a living and started counting white lines on the highway and the wheels on 18 wheelers. But I think there may be a certain amount of O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) going on here too. I think we all have a little bit of that, don't you?

I have always counted my steps when walking past houses and buildings, sometimes trying to guess in advance to see if I am correct. I frequently am.
When I do a menial task like cutting up a carrot, chopping wood or fork-splitting an English muffin, I count each action without even knowing I am doing it. And sometimes I just count - almost like a soothing song in my head. But I am in good company there - surely you have all heard the refrain from the Beatles song "You Never Give me your Money"?

And now my job even involves counting - how great is that? It's like getting paid for humming. (By the way I am also told that I hum while I eat.) I don't have to count at work but some of my tasks are repetitive and it just helps pass the time. But why do I know that the urinal at work has 17 holes and the sink drain has only 9? I have counted holes in ceiling tiles, coins in my pocket... and I just looked out the window and counted the rungs on my ladder - 10. A nice even number and somehow satisfying.

So now you know about my counting fixation. Please don't feel sorry for me or think I am some sort of freak - it is just as natural to me as breathing in and breathing out. Well, I guess it is time for me to go count the socks in my sock drawer - just kidding... or am I?
By the way, there are 412 words in this blog - go ahead and check if you want to. And there are only 103 more days until Christmas - but who's counting?


Anonymous said...

No...Don't feel sorry for him. Feel sorry for his wife! Just kidding, hon. I'm a lucky gal. I don't have to count anything!


Judy said...

I think this is a great blog ...because it confirms that we have the same genes ...at least when it comes to counting. And I know at least one of our sisters 'counts' so it definitely is in the genes!! I'm all for the counting ... think it is reassuring. But never thought of writing about it, and you did! And did a great job of normalizing the whole thing. Good work!!!

Anonymous said...

Aha ! it IS in the genes..I knew it..I count and align all the time... I go crazy looking at crooked things as well !. I even straightened a picture or two on the walls at the playhouse !
and to hang my laundry out well...just ask Sandra about that one !

J.M.H. said...

Ahh, Jacqui. Yours rings true with me in a big way. I cannot tolerate off-angles and whatnot. I love that you straightened a picture in the Playhouse! Sounds like something I would do. That's a riot.. :)

Number-wise, things manifest in other ways. Not so much counting, but I can NEVER warm anything in a microwave without using a satisfying length of time. 1:11 / 2:22 / 1:23 / 5:55... 60 seconds? No way. I'll freeze with 55 or suffer with 66. lol