Saturday, August 20, 2011

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

If you listen to the news, watch TV or read a newspaper these days you will know that food is bad for you. Actually it is not the food itself that is the problem, but what we put in it and on it. Sit down to a nice meal of boiled potatoes, sweet corn, and fresh green beans and you are in good company. But once the "dinner guests" arrive and we all start to spread and sprinkle and stir it is a different story. It's not what we have for dinner that harms us but who we invite to the table.

The always present dinner guest of course is the irresistible and seductive Salt who shows up even when she's not invited. She may be oh-so-quiet and polite but don't be fooled - she is an evil bitch who just has to get into everything!

Next there is Salt's alluring little sister, Sugar - who nobody can resist. We have all loved her since we first met way back in childhood and she just seems to get in your blood. Sugar is like a favorite aunt or grandmother who sweetly offers you just one more cookie. And since she put so much of herself into them, well it would be just plain rude to refuse. And last of all there is that old country cousin Fat. Fat is that chubby little guy who everybody loves but he can get tiresome when he hangs around too long, and he usually does.

With these three always dropping by for dinner what is a person to do? After all - they are family and we can't just turn our backs on them and we can't live without them. And besides, even with their bad habits and wicked ways - we sort of like it when they show up, don't we?  Salt always spices things up and Sugar knows her way around a dance floor. But it's just not a party until good old Fat shows up. When these three get together you never know what they might cook up.

Those are the Big Bad Three and interestingly enough Fat is starting to look pretty good lately. Apparently it is OK to be Fat now - as long as you are otherwise healthy. Think about that for a minute and it actually starts to make sense. Sugar and Salt are insidious and will hound you to your grave but you can keep an eye on Fat - and you can always get rid of him by taking a nice long walk. Sugar and Salt are sneaky – you don’t always know when they come to visit but everyone knows when Fat is in the house. 

I guess the moral of this story is that it's OK to throw a little party now and then but we should watch who we sit down with every day. Good old Fat won't harm you too much if you keep on the move but don't turn your back on Sugar and for God's sake watch out for that Salt.


Anonymous said...

just when I decided I was doing okay and liked myself fat ! gave me more food for thought !!

Judy said...

Thanks for the warning ... I have been a little dubious about these guys for quite some time, but like you say ... they are kind of welcome - in small doses. You have shed a whole new light on how I will look at my guest list for the next 'do' ... and I've got my sneakers at the ready too!!! And you just keep preachin' it to us brother - we need it!!!