Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another Baboon!

I almost decided to not write this but then I realized that my faithful readers (all seven of you) would understand.  You might remember that I wrote a previous blog entitled "El Dummo" about a seemingly miraculous apparition of a baboon that appeared in a set of our neighbour's outdoor Christmas tree lights.

Well believe it or not - it has happened again, but not in a tree this time and not in lights.
This latest baboon has revealed itself in the form of a rust stain on a concrete wall and if you care to read on you will be given explicit instructions as to where it is located so you can see for yourself.
All you have to do is drive around to the back entrance of the Chalmers Hospital and park near the sign for the Meals on Wheels pick up area. And there he is in all his simian glory - waving his arms in the air and running like... well, a baboon. 

Let me make it perfectly clear that I do not go around looking for these mystical wonders and even if I did I wouldn't go looking for baboons. Believe me, when they appear I am just as surprised as you are. I am not sure what this all means in the grand scheme of things. It is not totally unheard of to see strange visions but usually it is the face of the Virgin Mary or Jesus. I'm not even sure I would recognize Jesus in a rust stain anyway but I know a baboon when I see one.

So head on up to the Chalmer's Hospital at your first opportunity, but hurry - it is a construction zone and who knows how long it will be there. I should mention that there is a security gate but just look the guard right in the eye and say "I am here to see the baboon." 

Let me know how that works out for you...


Sandy said...

Maybe it has something to do with the old saying "It takes one to know one".

Anonymous said...

I couldn't even begin to write anything anymore appropriate than Sandra's words of wisdom !..
funny thing is I looked at this site the other day and I saw the baboon word and assumed it was the "other" baboon story and I passed right on by !...duh !

Judy said...

All I can say is "I wish I lived close enough to check out the baboon"....and I will leave that to the interpretation of the one reading this:)