Sunday, February 5, 2012

Keesa Me Goodnight

I am sitting in my green chair in my bedroom where I write most of my blog entries. As I stare across the room waiting for inspiration to strike, I notice I have two things hanging on the wall - one is a poster of John Lennon and the other is a plastic Topo Gigio doll. I have had the Lennon poster for about 20 years but I have had Topo since 1965 - you can do the math.

I just realized that Topo Gigio has been with me most of my life - just hanging around wherever I go. He has been through junior high with me, as well as high school and university. He was there before I met my wife and before my children were born. Before the internet, before the moon landing and even before color TV!

I bought Topo when a group of school friends (some of whom were girls) went to a Topo Gigio movie one weekend at the Playhouse. It must have been a big deal because in the lobby they were selling novelties like pictures, posters etc. I guess I was a big spender in those days because I bought myself a little souvenir - maybe to impress those girls? Who knows.

I don't really know why I have kept Topo all these years. Kind of a good luck charm, a touchstone of sorts to a simpler time? Maybe it is just a nice reminder of when something as simple as a hand puppet could captivate our collective imagination.

Actually no one had ever seen a puppet quite as realistic as Topo Gigio used to appear on live TV. He used to pick up objects with his hands and even turn pages in a book. We had no idea that it took 4 puppeteers dressed in black against a black curtain to make him appear so lifelike. And who can forget how at the end of his act he would always climb up and ask Ed to kiss him good night. Or in Topo Gigio's Italian accent it was more like "Eddie... keesa me goodnight."  Take a look at the little video below and see what I mean.

If the video doesn't work you can always watch this clip on YouTube or if you are ever in Chicago how about enjoying some fine dining at the Topo Gigio Restaurant  - or better yet, why not visit Topo's Facebook page. And while you are there be sure to click "Me Gusta"... I just did.

And now I know why I have kept Topo around all these years - I just "like" him...


Jacqui said...

Topo brings back a lot of fine memories ! took me back to the sixties ! (some of my favorite times) I LOVED the Ed Sullivan show !thanks for the walk down memory lane !

Anonymous said...

Yes Topo was always good for a laugh. I think he was a favourite of Mom's too. And at least he wasn't Sergio Franki


Judy said...

Who doesn't like Topo Gigio? I remember those days fondly too ...everyone sitting in front of the TV for the Ed Sullivan show ...and Topo was always a highlight! Thanks for sharing and bringing back the memories!!