Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clap for the Wolfman

Welcome to my new blog called "Digital Donuts". If you are wondering what a digital donut is I can't tell you exactly. You will just have to keep reading what I post here from time to time and we will find out together. I have a rough idea in my head what I plan to do here but it will change over time.

I think by now we would all agree that we live in a digital world - for better or for worse. Some of us were born here, some of us are landed immigrants and some of us are still wading ashore; I guess I am a mixture of the last two.
The digital world is wide and vast and moves at the speed of light. But once in a while we take a flying leap at one of those rolling donuts and that is what I hope to share with you through this blog. Digital donuts can be sounds, visions or fleeting ideas, the recognition of the beauty and the absurdity that goes on all around us. Just like in real life they can be a revelation or a complete waste of time - it all depends on your point of view. Or as Wolfman Jack once said "It all depends on how your boogaloo situation stands."

It might interest you to know that the last line was a digital donut. The song Clap for the Wolfman by the Guess Who just popped into my head and I could hear Wolfman Jack speaking those words. I went over to YouTube, played the video and it just fit. Stay with me and I think you will get the hang of this.
Anyway, this is my new blog and it should be fun. It might be a story, an anecdote, an image or a thought and you are welcome to drop by whenever you like. As always, comments are encouraged. Comments are to bloggers as tips are to waiters - always welcome, always appreciated and the bigger the better.

Oh, and one more slight change. I will no longer send out new blog notifications unless specifically requested so that is up to you. It's nice to be back....


Anonymous said...


Homer S.

Anonymous said...

Ok I like a donut once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to lots of valuable information from this blog !
I am still treading water...not even started to wade in yet..!

Judy said...

I am a little late getting on board so many ways, but sure glad to know the digital donuts will be coming our way ... and the thing I like best about this news is no calories!!!...looking forward to lots of new things:)

Anonymous said...

ha ha no calories, good one Jude